Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 7

Assignment: Comic Strip Story
Our assignment was to develop a story with our creative minds but we also had to include three requirements. The requirements were that our story had one person waiting, one person traveling, and a package.

Craft: How did I do it
This assignment had a curve-ball to it. The very first thing Peck had us do a class was to vote on whether we would like to work with partners or by ourselves for this project. The class voted for the partners, that meant everyone needed a partner. This was an easy issue to be solved for me because my roommate (Zach) is in the class so we choose to be partners. Now that we had our partners it was time to brainstorm ideas which was pretty fun to hear the different ideas that we had and putting our ideas together. We had awhile to think since it was our spring break. Once we came back from our spring break we decided on which story we wanted to use and headed to class. Once in class, the class got with their partners and we went around the room discussing our ideas. After, we were done discussing our ideas we needed to decide whether our comic would be nine slides or twelve slides. Once we decided the number of slides we had to fill the slides with scenes to our comics. Now, with all of that done we need to take our pictures and work with them in photoshop to make them comic material.

Composition: Arrangement of elements
The story that we decided on was one of a women saleswomen (Lilly) finding love on one of her business trips. While in Chicago, she was grabbing a bite to eat when this man (David) caught her eye and she caught his as well. They decided to share lunch together seeing they were both alone. These two hit it off so well they decided to continue their days with one another since neither had anything else to do. They headed back to his place. One thing lead to another and we will let your mind think of what happened. Lilly has to wake up early in the morning, when she awakes she decides to not wake David since its so early. Instead, she decides to leave her number on his nightstand for him. Once, David awakes he notices Lilly is gone which is a problem because he had some important information he needed to tell her. He notices her number on the nightstand and decides to call her. When he calls, he gets her voice mail. He leaves a message telling her when she comes back to Chicago he really wants to see her cause he has to give her something very important. After listening to this voicemail Lilly is very excited to go back to Chicago in two weeks. Two weeks have past and its time for them to see each other. They are meeting at the resturant where they first met, which seems so romantic to Lilly. When Lilly arrives at the resturant David is already waiting for her. She notices a package wrapped up on the table. All of this, has made Lilly smile from ear to ear and she can't stop. They have lunch and David gives her the package, she tears through the wrapping paperwith such excitement. When all the paper is removed she sees the box contains ........(see comic for ending)

Concept: What am I trying to say
This story is suppose to be your normal love story when things turn for the worst. This is suppose to pass the message that you should always be careful and things are not always as good as they seem. For us we decided to poke fun at the end of the story putting a serious/funny ending to our story. That is all we can comment about for now.

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