The assignment that was due for week six, was to have our rough draft ready to be evaluated by Peck. This draft was to suppose to clearly state our message.
Craft: (How did I do it?)
I first started with retaking all of my photos seeing that my idea had changed from when the first draft of photos were done. Another reason I wanted to retake my photos was because we learned how to setup a photo shoot where we get the pictures at the quality we wanted. I had an idea in my head already and drew a quick draft of it on a piece of paper. Seeing that I knew what I wanted to do, it was simply shooting the correct pictures and then piece them together. Having the pictures I needed for this new idea it was simply going step by step to complete my idea. I first started by deciding which two mirror photos I wanted to use. I choose these pictures by looking at the quality, the expression on his face, and if his entire body was in the mirror not just half of him. Once deciding the two pictures I wanted I need to flip one so that it looked like they could be the reflection of the person in the middle. To do this, I put each mirror on its own layer and free transformed one of the mirrors. After, free transforming it I flipped it horizontally. Once the mirrors were in place I need to put the figure in the middle. Taking the notes from our photo shoot, I took a photo of my model against a white wall so all I had to do was magic wand him into the picture. Once I put him into the picture I cleaned up the edges of him and the mirror so the edges were crisp and would pop out more. I did all of this on a white background because I still hadn't figured out what I was going to use as a background just yet. Seeing that we had to use our own photo's I started to go through all of my photographs. While going through my photos I took outside of the airplane window I thought it would be a nice background. This would be easy on the eyes and also go with the idea of the photo with someone being in the middle of nowhere trying to decide whether or not to end their life. Or someone could take that the background shows which decision the person decided to make. So basically I made a copy of the blank background and pasted the photograph into the copy. After I did that I put that as the 1st layer so that it would be in the background of everything. These were the steps that I took to arrive at the draft that I have now.
Craft: (How it was made?)
ReplyDelete-This art work was created using photoshop software, special techniques of taking pictures were applied, and a passionate idea. This project required some thinking and planning as it is evident by the work that was produced. The extra effort that was put into the piece really shows and it made some aspects of the project easier. Setting up and preparing the perfect environment for the pictures may take several minutes, but in the long run it saves time because you do not have play around with different tools to get the job done; in this case after taking the picture of the subject against a white background all he had to do is select the magic wand and select the pixels that he wanted or did not want – this step depends on preference. This is an example of pre-planning that saves a lot of work during production of art work. Other tolls were used in the process which includes transformation tool. This tool was utilized to make the mirrors and the subject align and appear realistic. Drawing out one’s idea on paper before beginning an assignment may seem like such a big waste of time, but I disagree because the preliminary thoughts and plans that were placed on paper helped organize the idea in effect producing this excellent work of art.
Composition: (How it was arranged?)
-The arrangement of all the elements in this piece makes it easy for the viewer to read the picture and the intended message. The central theme of the work is having to make a big decision, probably the biggest decision that one will ever have to make; the decision to live or die. This piece clearly provides this process of making the decision with the help of the two mirrors and the content inside each mirror. The first thing that jumps out is the subject in the middle; then comes the mirror on the left which is followed by the mirror that is situated on the right. Inside the mirror that is on the right the first thing that jumps out is the subject. Since the subject is looking down at his hand the eye travels down and notices the pills which are followed by the prescription bottle. The arrangement of elements is perfect because it allows the viewer to clearly see dilemma that the individual is battling.
Concept: (What it is about?)
-This project is about suicide. It clearly presents the idea because the viewer of this art work can see the two halves of the subject in the mirror with different outlooks on life. This project suggest that the people are not limited to just two options because now days there are support groups available that help one get through. On the daily basis, everyone is subject to enormous pressures whether it originates from the boss, the work-load, or the society and its standards; for some these pressures are overwhelming and turn to anything that will relive the pressure.