Wednesday, February 18, 2009

200 Lincoln Exhibit

On Friday 13th, the exhibit of 200 Lincoln’s opened at six o’clock. This was an exhibit of two hundred different pieces of Abraham Lincoln to celebrate his two hundredth birthday. This was a great exhibit to have to celebrate his accomplishments and his birthday, not to mention that I had a piece of art in this exhibit. I’m not much of an artist but I’m not going to lie it is pretty cool to hear that something you made is going to be in an art gallery in downtown Chicago. Nonetheless, my classmate Zach and I both knew that we had to go check it out.  We arrived right at six and this was great timing because we were one of the first to come, which allowed to move at our own pace from piece to piece. There were so many pieces, which were all done so well that I felt my art didn’t belong in the same gallery. All in all, it was a great experience and something I might start doing more often (going to check out the art gallery’s).

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